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What happens after a role is posted?
What happens after a role is posted?
Written by Otta's Customer Care Team
Updated over a week ago

Woohoo! That’s the hard part, done.

Once you submit a job on the platform — either directly or via your ATS — our Operations Team will have a quick review. This usually has a same-day turnaround time, but it can take up to 24-hours.

They are checking for things like:

  • Is it the right kind of role for our platform?

  • Is it in a location we can service?

  • Is it tagged in the most effective way?

  • Are there any broken links?

  • Does the experience level match the expectations?

If your role isn’t live within 24-hours, and you’ve not heard from us as to why, please email and we can look into it for you.

Then what?

Once it’s live, give the role a quick read-through to ensure it’s set up for success. Check that you’re happy with how our Operations Team have tagged or edited the role:

  • Experience levels

  • Sub-functions

  • Location(s)

  • Salary (even if it’s hidden)

Happy with your application quality?

Your Customer Success Manager (Pro and Advanced, only) is experienced in optimising jobs in similar companies. If you’d like to chat through your ideal candidate for your role, they can help you curate your job information to attract the best-fit candidates to apply.

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