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Tips for writing a great job description
Tips for writing a great job description
Written by Otta's Customer Care Team
Updated over a week ago

Attracting the right candidates starts with creating a killer job description. Here are a few things you’ll definitely want to keep in mind when creating or optimising your jobs.

Style & formatting

  • Use inclusive language: Job ads with both masculine and feminine-coded words received 44% more applications than ads with only masculine-coded words. Use a gender decoder like this one to help identify gendered language.

    • Have a clear D&I statement and show a commitment to DEI. Jobs with a D&I statement tend to get 50%+ more applications and a commitment to DEI makes jobs 6% faster to fill

    • Avoid using the third person and use "we" language where possible, as this helps them see themselves in the role

    • Try using "growth mindset" language without being gender specific. Instead of words like "hunter", use language such as "there'll be opportunity to grow, by showing determination".

  • Keep things short and snappy: Focus on what you actually need to include. Where possible, use bullet points to break up the text.

  • Candidates spend an average of 17 seconds viewing one of our job cards. Pro users typically see a higher average (get in touch if you'd like to learn more)

Be transparent

  • Share the salary publicly: Jobs with a public salary get 50% more applications than those that don’t. Where you can, post your salaries to stay competitive - read more hiring insights here on our blog

  • Application process: Give candidates an idea of what to expect in the hiring process ahead of time to manage their expectations

Your requirements

  • Be crystal clear about must-haves and nice to-haves: And add a short statement encouraging people to apply, even if they don’t tick all the boxes

  • Get the phrasing right: Phrase your opening statement as "we're looking for..." as opposed to "you are..." to make it easier for candidates to connect to your role

  • Jobs with ~10 bullet points across both 'Who you are' and 'What the job involves' sections perform the best. Try to be as concise as possible, and cut unnecessary bullet points.

What the job involves

  • Get candidates excited: Include why this role is important and how their work will contribute towards wider business goals, this helps attract mission-driven candidates.

  • Showcase the team: 44% of candidates rate "Working with Great People" in their top 3 priorities when they sign-up. Show them and your culture off with engaging photos.

Are you strategic with your job descriptions?

Your Customer Success Manager (Pro and Advanced, only) is experienced in optimising jobs in companies of all sizes, sectors and functions. If you’d like to chat through your ideal candidate profile for a hard-to-fill role, they can help you curate your job information to attract the best-fit candidates to apply.

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